Tasting the crabapple
Growing up alongside a beautiful tree, Jean writes here about the shock of biting into crabapple as a child! The photos that follow are of the tree, and show off its beautiful blossom - what a lovely tree to have in your own garden.
I grew up loving the crabapple tree in my front yard. When it was in full bloom, it had the most gorgeous and fragrant fuchsia coloured blossoms on it. It looked absolutely amazing.
It was the first thing you saw when you looked out of the front window- this shock of pink. When I was a kid I would sometimes pluck a crabapple and bite into it. You never tasted anything so sour! My mouth is recoiling and pursed even to write this!
One year the tree was hit by lightening and it was seriously damaged and some of the tree was lost. However, it is still alive and blooms each year.